
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

It is always the season for giving

7/23/2019 Dallas, Texas by J. Sanders-Nelson

I absolutely love to give. Clothing, books, baby shower gifts, my art and sometimes even my writing skills.
Right now many working artists are reading this and they are thinking, ugh, stop giving your creativity away for free!
And they too are right and I do sell a few items here and there but it's hard out there for a crafter, artist, writer...or where ever the creative muses take me on any given day.
Now I am initiating a fundraiser to help out two very worthy causes. The first is funding to help underserved children receive their very own books via Usborne Books and More.
I am also proudly supporting a former student who is for the 2nd year in a row, going to a well known homeless area and passing out cold water, fruit and care packages. Although I cannot be there, I am glad to support her in her efforts.

Please click on the following image below to view some of my artwork and with each purchase, $5 will go towards assisting these very worthy causes.
Thank you so much for your purchases!